воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

sri lanka cricket world cup 2011

sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011

  • aswitcher
    Jul 12, 07:10 AM
    I'm _sure_ that Apple has a surpise for us wrt the Conroe /Conroe XE CPU.... a nice smallish desktop Mac (we can hope, can't we?) :cool:

    And if they back it up fully with software features in Leopard and iLife07, Macs should leap ahead as multimedia machines...dedicated processor for video to avoid any missed frames recordings or playing.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. India vs Sri Lanka Cricket
  • India vs Sri Lanka Cricket

  • iRockMan1
    Apr 9, 03:38 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwiiI hope you're joking. Nintendo's the strongest it's ever been and is probably the most innovative company in the gaming industry. They'll never go out of business or need to be bought out as long as they keep up their innovation and have must-have franchises such as Mario and Zelda.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 06:04 PM
    Yeah, but that's for every NFL game, right? I'm just talking about the games for a single team, 16 total games throughout the season. I agree with you, $30 is probably too low but still, it should be a lot less than Sunday Ticket. Wouldn't they rather get most of that money directly (with a small cut to Apple) rather than getting a tiny sliver from Comcast (where it's part of the extended cable package and not charged for separately)?

    Sunday Ticket is exclusive to Directv and I read where Directv only takes 5% of the profit from this package. The NFL receives the reaming 95%.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri
  • Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 09:56 AM
    The hardware components in a server go through much more testing for reliability. They are meant to work 24/7.

    Thank you for pointing this out to me. Just know that I am right now working on a C7000 chassis, specifically on a BL870c Blade, even more specifically on a Itanium version VM running on said blade.

    I think I know about servers. ;) This doesn't change the fact of what I said : Servers aren't pcs (as in personal computers) and I doubt they are included in this chart. So why are you even bringing them up ?

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Sri Lanka vs Zimbabwe 26th
  • Sri Lanka vs Zimbabwe 26th

  • deannnnn
    Oct 7, 06:09 PM
    Competition is gooooood.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri
  • Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri

  • Drewnrupe
    Sep 12, 04:00 PM
    Please excuse me if I am missing something totally obvious here as I am a relatively new convert to Apple.

    This looks like a nice little solution but I am not sure its anything revoloutionary. I currently have an airport express in the bedroom connected to an eyehome unit that does the same job as far as i can see.

    Granted it cannot handle Purchased itunes songs ( which i can stream out of the airport directly though) and I guess therfore wont play itunes movies - but that is an apple restriction on ElGato.

    As far as TV goes though, this setup with an EyeTV 200 attached to the computer is effectively the Tivo Killer I keep hearing talk of - I certainly chose this route after discovering that the tivo lifetime licenses were not available any more and not wanting another bill every month.

    The apple box also would not work for me (as far as I could see) as I use a regular old TV in the bedroom without component inputs - just rca and s video.

    Plus I get the benefit of the airport express extending my wireless network into the bedroom so laptop access is great throughout the house now.

    Seems that downloaded movies arent going to be big in this house if i need to replace current hardware with something so similar that wont drive my TV (and who knows if it will pick up eyeTV programs either ) just to watch the purchased movies.

    So can someone enlighten me what was so different about the Eyehome and airport express combo that makes this new box so great ? ( I am really open to being convinced - dont usually have a problem talking myself ito new toys)

    Current setup Will be even better when this 700 G4 gets replaced by the new 24" imac arriving Friday ....... wasnt supposed to ship until the 18th !!!! Im Stoked


    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. India Beats Sri Lanka 2011
  • India Beats Sri Lanka 2011

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 01:16 PM
    Ok, replace "True" for "Orthodox". Mainstream Protestant, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox. Pretty much believe the same things. You can even throw some non-orthodox sects in there like the Mormons and still have a huge intersect on beliefs, especially on morality.

    Except for the fastest growing contingent of Christians in the world, the evangelicals. Like I said, you are all finger pointing and being smug in your own belief as to the true interpretation. How laughable. If you are all true Christians, why is there more than one church?

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Sri Lanka 2011 Cricket World
  • Sri Lanka 2011 Cricket World

  • wnurse
    Mar 18, 03:18 PM
    Actually the reason why it isn't encoded with DRM on the server is that if they did that they would need a copy of every song for every customer they have on the server.

    aah yes of course.. (slap on forehead). hmm.. then adding DRM on fly before delivering might be the workaround apple does... although as noted in my previous post, that can be defeated too.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. ICC Cricket WorldCup 2011 Live
  • ICC Cricket WorldCup 2011 Live

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 31, 09:02 AM
    My quad was to ship today, after waiting four business days and two weekend days for a CTO build (2 GB RAM). But I would feel sick to have had the machine for a week when the Octo's are announced. I hope this baby makes Logic Pro sing...

    I hope you don't have to wait too long... :o

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. So, India and Sri Lanka are
  • So, India and Sri Lanka are

  • QCassidy352
    Mar 18, 11:49 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I should add that I don't agree with those calling unofficial tethering "stealing." it's not taking anything from AT&T and it's not illegal in the sense of breaking a criminal law (and AT&T isn't saying otherwise). It's a violation of your contract, and AT&T is therefore justified in taking action. I agree that charging more for tethering on a limited data plan doesn't make much sense, but contracts don't have to make perfect sense.

    Personally, I don't use unauthorized tethering because I believe in honoring my contracts. But it's not "stealing."

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. India VS Sri-Lanka World Cup
  • India VS Sri-Lanka World Cup

  • backinblack875
    Apr 8, 10:37 PM
    Real games aren't played on an iDevice. Say what you want, it's true at the moment. No need to look into the future..........cause you don't know what it holds. And if you do tell me if i'll be at work Monday please! (Gov worker)

    Govt SCUM!! (lol jk :D)

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. vs Sri Lanka Cricket World
  • vs Sri Lanka Cricket World

  • valkraider
    Apr 28, 10:30 AM
    I'm sitting with my entire office laughing at your naivete and misunderstanding of what modern computer hardware is. Keep digging your hole.

    If you and your entire office are sitting laughing at MacRumors comment posts then you are charging your customers WAY too much money.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri
  • Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 27, 08:16 AM
    That sounds like an ad hominem attack against Nicolosi. I agree with him and with his coworker who gave the lecture.

    On what basis? Solely because it confirms your prejudice? Being gay has nothing in the slightest to do with gender identity, nor does Joseph Nicolosi's work have any standing of substance in the medical and psychiatric community.

    What Joseph Nicolosi does is run a racket. He's little more than a grifter, a trait often found in religious circles.

    For over three decades the consensus of the mental health community has been that homosexuality is not an illness and therefore not in need of a cure. The APA’s concern about the position’ espoused by NARTH (The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) and so-called conversion therapy is that they are not supported by the science. There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence that sexual orientation can be changed. Our further concern is that the positions espoused by NARTH and Focus on the Family create an environment in which prejudice and discrimination can flourish.

    In short, he's a fraud.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri
  • Cricket World Cup 2011 Sri

  • hulugu
    Mar 14, 11:28 PM
    There is absolutely no need to be insulting. Quote your "studies", first of all, but I find your assertion pretty bizarre as originally stated - mostly because Death Valley is almost entirely subsumed within Death Valley National Park. Unless you something we don't know, there is zero chance that you are going to be installing a 100 square mile solar array in the park. Not to mention the mountainous topography.

    You're correct. It's useful to think of the area needed for solar power, but subsuming Death Valley with solar panels isn't a realistic solution.

    Solar panels are a useful supplement to other power sources in certain regions where favorable environmental conditions exist. But no more than that I'm afraid.

    I'm not sure why alternative energy sources are required to be a silver bullet in a way that other sources like nuclear, coal, and natural gas are not. The way to fill our energy needs is a death by a thousand cuts, which will include conservation and new technologies.

    Energy should be localized to some degree, thus Iceland can use geothermal to its advantage, England can use wind and tidal, and Australia can use solar.

    Finally, there is tremendous social, political, and economic pressure to continue using fossil fuels and nuclear energy rather than the alternatives. Even though alternatives are now more prevalent than before and enjoy increasing popularity, fossil fuel and nuclear energy are going to be used heavily until all the fuel is exhausted.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Cricket world cup 2011 final
  • Cricket world cup 2011 final

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 27, 12:10 PM
    That particular assumption is one of my pet peeves. :D

    (The assumption that God is the Christian version.)

    For the purposes of the various arguments which try to prove the existence of God, they are all referring to the Judaeo-Christian God. The arguments try to fit in an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being within a framework.... Although when I say fit it's more like shoe-horn.

    The main argument against the Judaeo-Christian God is: there is evil in the world, God is meant to be all-powerful and all-loving, and all-knowing, yet evil continues unabated. Either God is not powerful enough to stem the tide of "evil" in which case he's not worthy of worship, or God doesn't know we're suffering, or God knows and is powerful enough but chooses not to do anything.

    You should read Spinoza's idea of God, pantheism (if you don't know it already, I'm sorry for assuming). It's the one that most appeals to me :D

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

  • mdelvecchio
    Apr 21, 02:37 PM
    This virus talk is full of ignorance. Mac OSX is not more secure than Windows. Windows is just targeted more, because of the marketshare.

    If you think that Apple writes perfect code everytime then you have no idea what you're talking about.

    youre citing "security by obscurity", and its been debunked. OS X has much more marketshare than 9 did, yet has no viruses where 9 did have viruses.

    UNIX is inherently more secure than windows. its how the OSes are designed that makes windows more vulnerable.


    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Indigo Cricket world Cup 2011
  • Indigo Cricket world Cup 2011

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 02:15 PM
    Can anyone tell me the purpose of dual drive slots nowadays? I can see the use for them (and had computers with) when they were limited to one function, i.e. DVD-ROM for one and a CD-RW for the other but now that everything can happen in one drive with speed not being an issue, is it really nececcary to have two?Burn two DVD's at once and DVD copying.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. India-beats-Sri-Lanka-win-ICC-
  • India-beats-Sri-Lanka-win-ICC-

  • Multimedia
    Sep 26, 11:52 PM
    Yes, Intel will be shipping Clovertowns then - but when will Apple get around to putting them in systems? (November - well, that can wait for The Lord God Jobs' keynote in January, for sure.)

    Most vendors are putting Merom systems in their customers' hands, but Apple is still shipping Yonahs in the MacIntelBooks.

    I'm at IDF at Moscone, and most of the booths have Kentsfield or Clovertown systems running. (Apple isn't in the hall.)

    I think that you're being very brave in assuming that Apple will ship quads in systems when Intel releases them...Maybe I'm just naive and overly optimistic or just plain dumb. I always think of MacWorld as a consumer event so I thought Steve wouldn't care to present the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro there. But I guess you're probably right. Nevertheless, I feel there is good reason to feel optimistic and happy about the prospect of 8-core computing in 2007.

    sri lanka cricket world cup 2011. Cricket World Cup 2011 Final
  • Cricket World Cup 2011 Final

  • Doraemon
    Aug 29, 02:19 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    So am I.

    Apr 13, 07:53 AM
    So this is basically a jazzed up Final Cut Express and the pros have been shown the door. Why am I not shocked about this. :mad:

    Someday I'll tell my kids that Apple was the company for pros to which they will laugh in disbelief; kind of how I do now when old people tell me that American cars were once high quality.

    don't have kids... ever ...

    Aug 29, 01:35 PM
    i think alot of people care about the environment.. but alot of people dont care about greenpeace. in my eyes greenpeace has become a joke. i dont know mush about them but it does not seem like they do anything helpfull but to yell at the top of there lungs at people that can get them the most amount of publicity.

    the way i see it is. apple is really popular in the public eye. so they become a natural target for anyone that wants their voice heard. well at least thats how i see it.

    the last time i heard somethign from greenpeace was back in the 90's.

    Mar 14, 11:30 AM
    "Japanese engineer Masashi Goto, who helped design the containment vessel for Fukushima's reactor core, says the design was not enough to withstand earthquakes or tsunamis and the plant's builders, Toshiba, knew this."

    If you've got an hour 20 to kill, you can view Goto's entire press conference from today: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/13320522

    (He's also going to be doing an update, with another conference same time tomorrow).

    His worry seems to center around the possibility of a hydrogen explosion inside of the containment vessel causing a wall breech. He also believes that the previous hydrogen explosion was due to gas escaping in an unplanned manner.

    He's also concerned that the senior people making decisions may not be the correct/most knowledgable... which wouldn't be a surprise to student of Japanese corporations (or any corporation, to be fair).

    Apr 13, 11:47 AM
    Hoping we see some sort of massive overhaul of Logic soon. Would be awesome.

    please apple, don't make that
    you already messed logic enough as of L9, don't dumb it down further and make it a garage band pro

    and could you please bring real waveforms display in your apps? logic has the crappiest stereo waveform ever, FCP had a nice one(tho slow) but the new one loks uber crappy, not at all pro IMOHO

    Apr 9, 07:43 AM
    Apple should be courting game developers, not their execs. These execs usually don't know much games other than to milk franchises until they're useless while the gameplay suffers.

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